Shuffling text effect - Ash Princess Kawaii
Breaking News
04 Februari 2018

Shuffling text effect

Februari 04, 2018

Shuffling text effect, is the simple shuffle text js. Here is the scripts and demos.

<span id="shuffle">SHUFFLING TEXT</span>

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[ var speed=200; // speed, lower is faster var alink=""; // place to link to // set to alink="" if not required var shuffl, shftxt, c1, c2; var shfpos=new Array(); window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { var sorpos=new Array(); var shft1, shft2; shuffl=document.getElementById("shuffle"); if (!document.all)"relative"; // ie bug fix shftxt=shuffl.firstChild.nodeValue; shftxt=shftxt.replace(/ /g, String.fromCharCode(160)); while (shuffl.childNodes.length) shuffl.removeChild(shuffl.childNodes[0]); for (var i=0; i<shftxt.length; i++) { shft1=document.createElement("span"); shft1.setAttribute("id", "shuf"+i);"relative"; shft1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(shftxt.charAt(i))); if (alink) { shft1.onclick=function() { top.location.href=alink };"pointer"; } shuffl.appendChild(shft1); } sorpos[-1]=0; for (i=0; i<shftxt.length; i++) { shfpos[i]=i; sorpos[i]=sorpos[i-1]+getElWidth(document.getElementById("shuf"+i)); } for (i=0; i<shftxt.length; i++) { shft2=Math.floor(Math.random()*(shftxt.length)); shft1=shfpos[i]; shfpos[i]=shfpos[shft2]; shfpos[shft2]=shft1; } shft1=0; for (i=0; i<shftxt.length; i++) { shft2=document.getElementById("shuf"+shfpos[i]);[shfpos[i]-1]+"px"; shft1+=getElWidth(shft2); } unshuffle(); }} function unshuffle() { var shft1, shft2, rpos, go=0; for (var i=0; i<shftxt.length; i++) if (shfpos[i]!=i) go++; if (go) { do { rpos=Math.floor(Math.random()*(shftxt.length-1)); shft1=shfpos[rpos]; shft2=shfpos[rpos+1]; } while (shft1<shft2); shfpos[rpos+1]=shft1; shfpos[rpos]=shft2; c1=document.getElementById("shuf"+shft1); shft1=getElWidth(c1); c2=document.getElementById("shuf"+shft2); shft2=getElWidth(c2); for (i=0; i<shft2; i++) setTimeout('"px"', speed/shft2*i); for (i=0; i<shft1; i++) setTimeout('"px"', speed/shft1*i); setTimeout('unshuffle()', speed); } } function getElWidth(el) { if ( return parseInt(; else if (el.offsetWidth) return el.offsetWidth; else if (el.clientWidth) return el.clientWidth; else return false; } // ]]> </script>

See the Pen Shuffling text effect by Erna Ayuning Nareswari (@ashavenger) on CodePen.


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